2025 Sponsors

We wouldn't be able to put on much of a show without our sponsors. They all have a real passion for exceptional graduate recruitment. Read their stories here.


Headline partner
also sponsoring the best apprenticeship programme award and the early careers professional of the year award

ACCA (the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) is the world's most forward-thinking professional accountancy body. With 125,000 global job opportunities posted on ACCA Careers every month, they're among the world's best-qualified and most highly sought-after accountants - and they work in every sector you can imagine.

Finance is the universal language of business. So, there’s no such thing as an average accountant. Our members become CEOs, finance directors, entrepreneurs, sustainability trailblazers and public sector leaders. Accountancy really does give you options for a rewarding career.

Employers seek out ACCA-trained professionals because they know it is the sign of excellence. Which means you'll have the competitive edge to build the career you've been imagining. And our global community and career planning tools will show you paths and opportunities you never knew existed.

The ACCA apprenticeship programme helps people from all backgrounds and career stages to build a globally-recognised foundation in accounting, finance and business. For apprentices, it's the chance to earn as they learn. For employers, it's a cost-effective way of bringing vital skills and sharp thinking to your business that's easier than you think.

We are proud to sponsor the best apprenticeship programme award. We are passionate about helping students achieve their potential when searching and applying for graduate roles and transitioning to employment.

To find out more visit accaglobal.com.


Sponsoring the AGCAS award for excellence in careers and employability service engagement award


Sponsoring the most popular graduate recruiter in consulting award


Research partner

Cibyl is a leading student market research team in UK andIreland. We provide employers, universities, professional bodies and researchers with unparalleled insights into students’ career thinking.Supporting attraction, equality, diversity, brand, virtual engagement, talent management and career service planning.

This year, 100,000 school students, undergraduates and recent graduates have taken part.

We’ve captured a broad range of opinion from them on the early careers market, including awareness and attractiveness of employers, relocation and mobility information, how and why students are making choices about careers, key demographic intel including: social profile, gender, year and subject of study, ethnicity, nationality and data on sexuality and disability.

Our team of MRS accredited researchers and analysts cut this data to get bespoke findings unique to individual employers. We consult with you on your competitive position, attractiveness amongst target group students, methods of engagement, help you to develop a school and campus strategy, help you to recruit a more diverse profile and get you to understand where and why you are missing out on relevant and ‘right fit’ talented young people.

Our methods can include quantitative, qualitative and focus group research, we offer year round data support, we have our own survey platform and can execute bespoke surveys or snap polls getting you the answer to a single issue of strategic importance or help you solve a problem. We area dept at reviewing a range of data sources as well as our own, offering you practical and actionable advice to help you build an informative picture and develop an early careers strategy that really works.

Cibyl's data is the source of the sector awards at the targetjobs National Graduate Recruitment Awards.

To get a demo of our data and to find out more go to cibyl.com